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THE Bulldog Interview (cont.)
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LUSH: How about a funny Jay Adams story?
WH: (laughs) Ray & I were just talking about one recently - Jay was wild. One day, 3-4 of us were skating at Skatopia, which was run by a guy who we called "Rap Master Tate". We were walking out to the parking lot to smoke a doob when Jay spotted a cop car rolling in - he was the only one to see it. Jay had an orange in his hand and a few steps later he LAUNCHES it up in to the sky, like the pop fly from hell, way the fuck up there - then the car stops in front of us. As soon as the cops pop their doors and step out, the fucking orange lands in the center of their hood with a huge 'BAM!' - they draw their guns and started sweeping the place…then they realize what happened - we kept on moving, Jay was rolling laughing and we all cracked up - while the cops went looking for the dude who threw it…Jay is one funny dude. Another time, some car cut off Ray while he was driving down the road. Jay was in the car with him - with a full bottle of orange juice…they chased the car down and Jay heaved the bottle THROUGH the open window of the other moving car…it smashed on the inside of the guy's windshield - he couldn't see and was swerving all over the place. Jay had a golden arm - if he wasn't a skater, he could have been a hell of a baseball player.
LUSH: Will we see the BDS Team at any competitions or demos?
WH: Our main competitive rider is Jereme "Stoney" Schadler, he rips! Ray, Shogo, & PC are all still skating all kind's of stuff - ramps, pools, & parks! Jereme is skating his ass off and ripping up everything! Dave Hackett / Deathbox is doing the Jay Adams Underground Pool Duel (skaters by invite ONLY - Alva, Hosoi, SALBA, Cab, Bowman, Peters, Olson, Hack, Way, Valley, Mountain, Hawk, plus others…) and we want to be involved and help get it going! I was talking to some friends of mine about riding - like Darrel Delgado. I asked if he would be into it, he's not sure but has some friend's that are RIPPING! I don't think Darrel is into the contest format as it is now - we'll see what happens. I hope it's wide open and any one can play - that would make it interesting!
LUSH: Wes, dude, thanks for your time - it was really cool rapping with you for a few. I really dig my Shogo 32" Rising Sun set up with Indy's and the Shogo conicals - hopefully, that overgrown skating elf in the red suit will bring me a Longboard for XXXmas…keep up the good job with BDS and take care of yourself.
See any resemblance?
WH: Yo dude, no problem. Thanks a lot. I'm home and drawing -- if you want to, call anytime!

Well, what can I say…from a 12 year old skate rat back in the summer of '78 - to a guy today who thinks popsicle sticks belong in the freezer. Wes inspired me to use a Sharpie pen on many a bathroom wall across this fine country of ours - it was truly not only a pleasure, but also an honor talking to him. Our conversation was not like someone I'd never met, but more like a guy who I maybe hadn't talked to in 20 years - but was able to pick up with where we left off - the spirit still blazing strong in each of us.

A legend. An artist. A skater - Bulldog.

For now, I'm off in search of some of that good / bad Mexican food - hey, maybe that chick's niece works there now… - LUSH702
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