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THE Bulldog Interview (cont.)
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Wes was kind enough to rap with AoS member and resident smartass LUSH702 recently. The conversation flowed from the early days to beer & music to the 100% SKATEBOARDER FOR LIFE ...Jay Adams. Read on skater - and when you're done, go make her to bark like a BIG dog…just don't make me laugh when I'm drinking.
RRRIIINNNGGG - RRRIIINNNGGG (telephone ringing sound…)
WH (Wes Humpston): Hello?
LUSH (LUSH702): Hey Wes - it's lush.
A small glimpse of what lies around Wes' place
WH: What up dude?
LUSH: Not much man - just grey, cold, and shitty here…
WH: Awww bro, sorry to hear that - it's warm, sunny, and nice here - never changes.
LUSH: Gee thanks for the report, makes me fell much better….what's up?
WH: Lot's goin' on man - busy with BDS, drawing a lot, JP's in the house today - down to SoCal from the Pacific Northwest for the G.E.F. (Glen E. Friedman) show and to hang for a few…
LUSH: John Palfreyman, cool (*JP later got on the line and we talked about BMX & pools back in the day, motocross in Europe, …if you can find it, check out the current DIRT magazine, published in Ireland, interviews with JP & Tom Lunn, plus pics from the early years). Thanks for taking the time to talk with me......Let's get this out of the way first, what's your favorite beer?
WH: (laughs) Heineken. I like Japanese beers a lot too - though I've never turned down a Bud…or any beer that's free.
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