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A Brief History of How Death-Box of Old Became the Flip of Today

by Steve
Early in the 80's Jeremy Fox (owner) was involved in the English skateboard association. By 1983 he, Graham "MAC" Maceachran and Duncan "Wurzel" Holton where working at Madrid Skateboards in California as screen printers. MAC had been promised a pro model, but it never came about because Madrid already had Primo and Bob Schmetlzer as freestylers. So by 1986, they are all back in London. Jeremy Fox then started Death-box with models for MAC who by this stage had turned his attenition to banks and invented a MAC-twist (basically a Mctwist on a flat bank). MAC also did most of the art work for Death-box. Another model was also released for Wurzel (screenprinter) who is a street skater and at one stage beat Hosoi and Cab in an NSA comp in America. All continues to go well and Sean Goff, Mark van de eng, and at different stages Carl Shipman, Araon Deeter, Rune, and even Danny webster ride for them. A side company is started called Bash owned by Ian Deacon and J.Fox based in Brighton. It goes well for a while, but eventually hits bottom. A new company is started called Flip around 1992/3. Soon Death-box goes belly-up ("tits-up" as the English say) ,so Deacon and Fox head to America around 1994/5 with the pick of both teams (Rune, Penny, Andy Scott, Rowley, etc.).............and the rest, as they say, is history.
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