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 + Art of Skateboarding Articles

To Leave a Legacy: George Powell Interviewed

May 19, 2011 by Matt DeAngelis
George Powell
Matt DeAngelis
MD= Matt DeAngelis    GP= George Powell  (  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 )  BONUS:FACTORY TOUR
   When I was just a kid I fell in love with skateboarding. It was something I could do that did not involve a team or uniforms; but it gave me a sense of belonging and a sense of identity. Throughout the years I’ve written letters to many of my skateboard heroes. Most of the time I’d never hear back from them; but on rare occasions I’d come home to find an envelope from a pro filled with stickers and autographs on the drawings I’d done of their graphics.
   I remember very clearly one day receiving an envelope that confused me. Rather than a short scribbled note and some stickers, there was a lengthy 3 page typed letter. I was confused and wondered if somebody had really wanted to reach my Dad… until I saw who’d signed the letter. "Sincerely yours…. George Powell".
   I couldn’t believe it!! All the letters that I’d written to the company with "helpful suggestions" towards graphic and product design, had actually been passed along to THE man himself!
   Through the years I continued to write to George and he was kind enough to keep writing back. A few weeks ago I planned a trip to California and thought "I wonder if after all these years I could actually visit the Powell•Peralta factory and meet George?". All I had to do was ask!
   George’s kindness and generosity extend beyond taking me on a tour of his factory and taking the time to talk to me. They extend to the YEARS of dedication he’s put into skateboarding through maintaining what I’ve always felt, and continue to feel, is THE best skateboard company in the world.
   What follows is the interview I did with George. We talked about the past, the present, and the future…. and most important of all… "What the heck was Boneite?!"...
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