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Artist Interview : John Keester (cont.)
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What were you thinking when you changed your name given the fact you have long hair, a mustache, and you're an artist?
Witness Protection Program.
What is your take on the current skate art scene?
My take is the same as it's ever been. There is some great art and some not so great art. But the thing about the skate scene is that it is a flash point for images that are fresh and now. It tends towards independent thinking, questioning authority, irreverent behavior and just being in your face. Art is an extension of, and a reflection of, ourselves. It is the by-product of something that has been filtered through someone's experiences. I think skate art is a great example of an art form that is an extension of the spirit and the culture that drives it.
What is your funniest POWELL "behind the scenes" story?
Can't tell it without sound effects. Then there is that gag order...
Did you have full creative license to make any design you wanted or were you pretty much told what direction to go in and then create it from there?
Neither and a little of both. Sometimes the rider knows exactly what they want and it is more of an execution of an idea. Other times the rider has no idea what the hell they want so there is more of an exploration process. Towards the end of my time, the pressure to produce more stuff faster was increased. At the same time there were layoffs, hence, less staff. Things got rushed then and the quality of the art declined. That's why Court's stuff is so outstanding. He would work on something until it was done. He was not just trying to pump stuff out, he was trying to produce good art.
Come on: admit Boneite was crap.
OK, Boneite was crap. Let's take a vote, shall we? Who thinks Boneite isn't crap? And George, you're exempt.
Was the "Bug" your idea. If so, was that the last day you ever worked?
No and no.
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