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Inside the mind of Factory 13 : Danny Creadon (cont.)
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What do you like more...the smell of sawdust and glue, or freshly screened decks?
I would have to say that I love them both equally... It means that we are busting stuff out and being creative either way...sometimes a lot of fumes build up here, but it helps out our buzz thru out the day. (haha)
Do all the fumes have any effect on your mental stability? what about the stability of your bros?
Yes, it definately does affect me, doesn't matter though...I am not a crybaby and neither is anyone that works for F13. If someone can't take this lifestyle and dedication to what we are doing then it would be best for them to leave. There are never too many people here (I live in the "sticks".), and the ones that do come over expect nothing less. Sure, we are mostly screwed up and weird, but then again look at the rest of the world.
What inspires your board designs and your skateboarding?
Everything around me inspires me... sometimes it makes me a mad/depressed and mostly angry. The reason it all started was because I was so pissed that boards sucked so bad at the time that we had to ride old beat up boards just to have somehting half decent to ride. Board design and construction was so stale and uncreative that someone had to do something about it...and I did. I started it from rock bottom... some various machinery and $200, no shit... no pro's, no good location, no support from anyone hardly... I was mad and kept at it along with my close friends that believed in this movement.
Whats with the cats and Halloween colors?
I'm not really sure. I like this part of the year (October/autumn)...everything changes. I like cats because they are independent for the most part. I train my cats here to hunt/kill the field mice and rabbits and stuff in the area, they know they will be rewarded for each animal they kill, and they always put the carcass right under my work bench to show that they are doing there job also. Also, I appreciate the colors of all the trees at this time of the year.
Are there any special procedures to building a good deck?
Yes,there are many... I will not tell you the special secrets though. They are only for me to know. (haha)
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