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 + Restoration Tricks and Tips

 the following tip comes from The_Green_Monkey...
"Rail/nose/jaw/tail/mini-rib etc. holes or screw holes can be filled in and eradicated completely with spackling compound, as long as you intend to paint over that area later anyway. I know Jedi prefers to just stick screws or rat nuts in all the existing holes in the decks that he does, and that's what he suggests in his article, but if you're going to be painting it soon anyway, I feel that you might as well get rid of the holes when you have the opportunity. It isn't much extra work. "
 the following tip comes from Clay Hutz...
If you need to fill rail holes or gouges in a deck, don't use wood putty. Instead use spot-glazing putty. DuPont makes a pretty good one. Body shops use it to fix small imperfections prior to painting. It is strong and pliable, whereas wood putty tends to crack and flake apart.
 the following tip comes from Olivelawn...
I have been doing tons of restore work lately and have come across a really good wood filler/bondo type compound made by a company called Evercoat. It is super good, hardens with an additive like bondo, but has a wood like feel and sands and paints very well. You can also mix in universal tints, although I haven't tried this. I found this stuff at an ACE hardware so I think it is pretty widely available.
 the following tip comes from MasterPlan...
To make the perfect ding repair compound, as you know, do not use wood putty. Instead get the finest powder possible from maple (I sanded down an older deck and collected the dust in a baggie). One you have a decent amount of dust, mix it with just about equal parts of wood glue (any good, white wood glue works). Mix it together to make a paste until it's gets the consistency of toothpaste. I then cut a small corner off of the bottom of the baggie and squeezed it like toothpaste into the chips and dents on the edges of a ruined Vision Shredder. You can shape it with your fingers and then let it dry for approximately 24 hours. Once it dries, it is harder than wood, but sands to shape perfectly.
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